Ticket delivery options vary based on event organizers. Review available methods during checkout.
Yes, all ticket purchases are guaranteed for on-time delivery. Last-minute methods include Email Delivery/Instant Download, Electronic Transfer, Mobile E-tickets, AXS Mobile ID, and Near Term Special Delivery.
Certainly, tickets can be purchased anytime before the event. However, it's recommended to buy early for the best selection, as last-minute purchases may have limited availability.
Absolutely, all tickets are fully transferrable and do not require identification for entry.
No, our policy does not offer refunds for changes of mind or inability to attend. However, you can resell or transfer your tickets to someone else.
Yes, tickets purchased within the same order are guaranteed together unless otherwise stated. Seat numbers are not listed for privacy and security reasons.
E-tickets and Instant Download tickets are delivered as a PDF file. Printing is recommended, although some venues may allow display on a mobile device.
Ticket orders may include parking passes, special club access, Fastlane passes, and more. Details are provided in the seller's notes and on the order receipt.
Obstructed or limited view tickets are labeled as such by the venue. Any obstructions are defined by the venue.
GA and SRO tickets provide access to specified areas on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is not reserved.
Yes, there's a 100% Money-Back Guarantee covering various scenarios, ensuring the legitimacy of listed tickets.
Yes, we are a legitimate business dealing only with licensed and registered ticket-selling companies nationwide. Soldout.com is a proud member of the International Ticketing Association and an accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau.
If an event is rescheduled, your tickets remain valid for the new date. Refunds are typically offered only if the event is canceled.